  • 1 x 60 sec
  • Concept
  • Writing
  • Production
  • Direction
  • Edit
  • Color
  • Director / Scotty Carlson
  • Editor / Scotty Carlson
  • Producer / Freeride
  • EP / Derek Westerlund
  • Writer / Scotty Carlson
  • DP / Axl Fostvedt
  • DP / Derek Frankowski
  • CG Assist / Manuel Silva
  • Sound / Keith White
  • Narrator / Rob Cook

Duct tape, paper clips, fishing line, and a world class shoe. 

This shoe was designed by Rob Cook, a renowned footwear designer. His design process is stripped down and involves pencil and paper, and a lot of trial and error – no computers. We wanted to pay tribute to his process and handcraft a video in a more analog manner – no computers. We came close. We broke the shoe down to its main components and painstakingly photographed the shoe piecing itself back together. In order to achieve a CG look witout CG we relied on a lot of duck tape, fishing line, dinner plates, wire, paper clips, and patience.

It was a wonderful process and we are very happy with the final results.